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CAD tip CAD tip # 4211:

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Assigning CAD commands to a 6-button mouse.

A - answer If you have a mouse with multiple buttons you can assign them to AutoCAD (or Revit, Inventor, etc.) commands.

In AutoCAD, you can use the AUX menu section to define 4 buttons (the pick button is fixed) - see the AUX1-AUX4 items.

For more buttons (6,7,8...) and other CAD applications use either a special driver or map the additional buttons to accelerator keys in the mouse driver (e.g. Ctrl+F11) and then, in your CAD application, define/assign this accelerator key to a CAD command (typically in a Customize dialog/command).

Setting samples:

100% *  CAD 
28.1.2005    40901×  

See also:
Tip 13793:Sometimes my right mouse button doesn't work in Inventor.
Tip 13641:How do I restore an accidentally deleted file in Fusion 360?
Tip 13158:ScaleBB - scale multiple objects to their ref.points or bounding boxes
Tip 12365:How to show color print (sketch) also on the sheetmetal flat pattern?
Tip 12222:How to find elevation (altitude) of a given point on Google Maps?

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