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Layer Manager is faster again in AutoCAD 2006.

A - answer Many users had performance problems in the AutoCAD 2005 Layer Manager. This dialog loaded slowly when the drawing contained many layers and many layer filters (from older versions). AutoCAD explored every layer to find if it is currently in use (contains objects).

AutoCAD 2006 has a new option in the Layer Manager dialog - "Indicate layers in use" (off by default). Keep this option disabled unless you really need the 'in use' information.

The new LAYERFILTERALERT variable can now protect against multitudes of layer filters slowing down layer operations - keep it set to 2 (default) or 3.

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See also:
Tip 13878:SelectSimilar - extended selections for AutoCAD, incl. LT and Web versions
Tip 13855:DBXscanLayers and DBXscanBlocks - bulk report content of DWG files in a folder.
Tip 13688:How to select all DWG objects of a certain type in AutoCAD LT? (texts, circles...)
Tip 13442:How to easily count the number of certain objects in a DWG drawing in AutoCAD LT?
Tip 13288:LayoutLF - automatic switching of group layer filters.

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