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Important notice to installing CAD (and not only CAD) applications.

A - answer Many OS add-ons and also the automatic updates of the Windows operating system (Windows Update, Microsoft Update service) require to perform a restart of the system after the installation (update) is finished. In this way, the changed files (mostly DLL libraries) can be loaded and integrated into the running system.

This necessary restart can be postponed and it usually occurs naturally with the everyday power-off and power-on cycle of your computer. But many users do not switch off their computers at all - they just put them into sleep mode (hibernate). And so the postponed restart can be delayed even by several days.

There are some risks hidden in this routine - you'll postpone possibly urgent security fixes for your OS and there is one more problem. If you install other applications on such "not yet updated" system - e.g. CAD software - the next restart may render non-consistent versions of system libraries and the application may behave in a non-standard way.

Therefore always make sure that your system is not in the postponed-reset mode before you install a new software. When you are prompted to restart, do so and perform the restart as soon as possible. Do not hide the restart reminder dialog, do not stop the update service.

100% WinXP,Vista  CAD,HP 
4.2.2009    8253×  
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applies to: AutoCAD ·

See also:
Tip 14121:The default dimension style setting in AutoCAD Mechanical does not "hold", it reverts to AM_ISO.
Tip 13996:Automatic hide for Revit palettes - save screen space (undocumented).
Tip 13992:How to change the color, font and appearance (bold, italic, etc.) of checked-out files in Vault?
Tip 13917:Check for concurrently running named licenses (device limit).
Tip 13468:How to change the drawing background color in AutoCAD Web? (black drawing)

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