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CAD Studio Expands Activities in the …


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CAD Tips and Tricks for Autodesk applications

In this database (blog) you can find small tips, hints and tricks which - as we hope - help you to use Autodesk and Holixa products more efficiently. ARKANCE (in Czechia - former CAD Studio) is a worldwide Autodesk Platinum Partner, Developer and Training Center since 1990. See also our custom CAD application development.

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Q - question

Workaround for the missing (vlax-create-object) in AutoCAD LT (voice, clipboard, etc.)

A - answer see answer   Tip 14007
90% *  CAD 
26.1.2024   FAQ  
Q - question

Compatibility of Autodesk products with Windows 11.

A - answer see answer   Tip 13152
90% Win11  CAD 
2.12.2021   FAQ  
Q - question

How to use the 3D modeler Fusion 360 in offline mode?

A - answer see answer   Tip 10152
90% *  CAD 
5.1.2015   FAQ  
Q - question

Compatibility of Autodesk CAD applications with 64-bit Windows versions.

A - answer see answer   Tip 5536
90% Win64,Vista64,Win7  CAD 
30.4.2007   FAQ  
Q - question

Will Inventor run faster on a multiprocessor PC?

A - answer see answer   Tip 991
90% WinXP,Vista,Win7,Win8,Win10  CAD 
31.1.2001   FAQ  
Q - question

Resetting the Data Panel in Autodesk Fusion.

A - answer see answer   Tip 13923
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Edit the Fusion 360 CAM tool library using Excel.

A - answer see answer   Tip 13766
90% *  CAD,CAM 
Q - question

Quick local opening of F3D files in Fusion 360.

A - answer see answer   Tip 13579
90% *  CAD,CAM 
Q - question

DWG or DXF file exported to/from Fusion 360 has incorrect size (scale, 10x larger/smaller).

A - answer see answer   Tip 13228
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

How to renumber handles of selected DWG entities?

A - answer see answer   Tip 12546
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

The Ctrl+Shift+letter hotkeys do not work (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+C in AutoCAD)

A - answer see answer   Tip 12117
90% Win10,Win8  CAD 
Q - question

Inventor drawing diplays flipped, mirrored (as from underside)

A - answer see answer   Tip 11111
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

How to publish a DWG to a PDF file without attaching "-Model" to its name?

A - answer see answer   Tip 10759
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

Can Autodesk Fusion 360 make use of multicore CPUs?

A - answer see answer   Tip 10219
90% *  CAD 
Q - question

What is the "at" sign (@) leading some font names in AutoCAD?

A - answer see answer   Tip 9579
90% *  CAD 
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