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Téma uzavřenoCS Legend Generator: Create Door and Window Schedules w/ Element Ele

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Přímý odkaz na tuto zprávu Téma: CS Legend Generator: Create Door and Window Schedules w/ Element Ele
    Zasláno: 15.čvc.2022 v 06:54
CS Legend Generator: Create Door and Window Schedules w/ Element Elevation Views in Revit

CS Legend Generator is Autodesk Revit® plugin which automates creation of window and door schedules. The schedules are created automatically with just few mouse clicks using standard annotation families, so the output can be easily adjusted by the user. This enables great flexibility of the output so it can be set to fit any company’s needs. Created door and window schedules include element legend view, selected parameters and quantity. The application follows true BIM workflow so each change in element parameters or geometry is automatically updated in the schedule. Element count and types can be easily updated to adhere to changes in the project. The application is tailored to European style of documentation, the output format is an A4 sheet. Save time and prevent errors while creating Window and Door schedules with CS Legend Generator. For more information about the application visit: https://shop.arkance-systems.cz/en/product/cs-legend-generator-310393.html More at: https://www.arkance-systems.cz and https://www.cadforum.cz Software licenses: https://shop.arkance-systems.cz Contact: info.cz@arkance-systems.com Follow us on: https://www.facebook.com/CADstudio and https://www.linkedin.com/company/CADstudio #arkancesystems

15.7.2022 6:54:56

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