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Autodesk - free
Object Enablers
Go to file Trimble QuickPen Object Enabler for AutoCAD 2016, Architecture 2016, MEP 2016 and older External 30MB 6.6.2015    
TRIAL versions
Go to file TRIAL - Autodesk MotionBuilder 2024 EN/JP/CN, Win 64-bit External 900MB 30.3.2023 More information Buy
Patches + updates
Go to file MyHelp EN - AutoCAD help add-on customized for CAD Forum (copy to Help folder) - for AutoCAD 2004/2005, LT 2004/2005, ADT, Map... 15kB 5.5.2004 More information  
Map, Civil 3D, Raster, InfraWorks, Vehicle
Go to file InfraWorks 2015.2 Model Builder SSL security hotfix External 743kB 7.11.2014 More information  
Inventor, HSM/CAM, Fusion 360, Factory, Alias
Go to file 20dB quieter "assembly connect" sound for Inventor (connect.wav to the Bin folder) 2596 1.3.2015    
Go to file Knihovny materiálů ČSN a EURO pro Inventor a Fusion 360 (.adsklib a .styxml) - CS+ External 50kB 26.11.2015    
3ds Max, Maya, Mudbox, MotionBuilder, VRED
Go to file Autodesk MotionBuilder 2025.1 Update (Win) External 1.4GB 31.7.2024    
Plant 3D, P&ID
Go to file AutoCAD Plant 3D Catalog Builder - scriptable catalogs External 330kB 27.9.2011 More information  
Free applications and CAD utilities (mostly our freeware & trials)
CAD Utilities and add-ins
Go to file AutoPathPDF - set PDF path to DWG folder automatically (LSP reactor for AutoCAD+LT) 1095 5.1.2024    
Go to file CopyPageSetups - copy current page setups to all DWG files in the selected folder (VLX LISP for AutoCAD) 13.6kB 29.8.2012
Go to file CurveText - draw text along a curve (arc, circle, polyline...), AutoCAD LSP by A.Gumula 14.3kB 5.7.2006 Description  
Go to file DBXremSL, DBXscanSL - scans DWG files, reports and removes excessive annotation scale lists in all drawings in selected folder (VLX/DBX) 17.4kB 6.1.2016
More information  
Go to file DBXremVBA, DBXscanVBA - scans DWG files, reports and removes VBA macros in all drawings in selected folder (VLX/DBX) 25kB 15.12.2010
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Go to file DBXscanAEC - scans folders for DWG files containing AEC objects - generates a report (VLX/DBX), CS+ tool External 12kB 11.3.2012
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Go to file DBXscanBlocks - batch scan DWG folders for specified block names or attributes (VLX/DBX), CS+ External 19kB 15.4.2022
Go to file DBXscanFus - scans folders for DWG files created in Fusion 360 - generates a report (VLX/DBX) 12kB 15.7.2014
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Go to file DBXscanImg - scans DWG files in a folder and reports any drawing files with references to Images or PDF underlays (VLX/DBX) 13kB 23.12.2020
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Go to file DBXscanInv - scans folders for DWG files saved (not exported) from Inventor - generates a report (VLX/DBX) 12kB 21.5.2014
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Go to file DBXscanLayers - batch scan DWG folders for specified layer names (VLX/DBX) 18kB 7.9.2023
Go to file DBXscanMech - scans folders for DWG files containing Mechanical objects - generates a report (VLX/DBX), CS+ External 12kB 18.6.2013
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Go to file DBXscanRevit - scans folders for DWG files created in Revit - generates a report (VLX/DBX) 13kB 30.6.2017
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Go to file DBXscanSHX - scans folders for DWG files containing references to SHX files - generates a report (VLX/DBX) 14kB 18.6.2013
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Go to file DBXscanXref - scans DWG files in a folder and reports all Xrefs referenced in the individual drawings (VLX/DBX) 13kB 9.9.2013
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Go to file InsertBlks - insert all DWG files in a folder as blocks (LSP for AutoCAD) 1434 24.4.2014    
Go to file OpenDwgContextMenuBuilder - creates Explorer DWG context menu for choosing AutoCAD version to open the DWG (CS+ bonus) External 423kB 13.4.2016    
Go to file ScaleListDel - deletes excessive annotation scales pulled in from Xrefs (ACAD2008) (by S.Johnson) 16874 18.9.2007    
Go to file srxTEXT - search and replace AutoCAD drawing texts using regular expressions, supports batch scripts, table replacements, numeric intervals (free) 21kB 20.7.2024
Go to file SSX - modified Express Tool "SSX" - select objects across layouts, incl.texts, copy to Express folder (LSP for AutoCAD) 8860 8.4.2019    
Go to file SVG Export for Inventor - exports unfolded sheetmetal outlines to SVG file, iLogic (CS+ utility) External 9kB 20.10.2017    
Go to file PartNumberEmboss - Inventor iLogic rule - emboss part number in unfolded sheetmetal DXF (CS+) External 1151 24.10.2018 More information  
Go to file SumUnfoldEdges - Inventor makro pro iVlastnosti s délkou vnějších a vnitřních hran rozvinu plechu (CS+) External 96kB 19.11.2015    
Other Goodies
Go to file DOSlib - LISP library with system functions (DOS/Windows), files, folders, drives, interface (for AutoCAD R12-2007) External 810kB 8.10.2005    
Tools (standalone, Autodesk)
Go to file MDI Drawing Tabs - Autodesk bonus tool for AutoCAD 2012, 2011, 2010 and older, 32/64-bit (switch DWG files) External 106kB 24.4.2010 More information  

How to load a LISP application (.LSP/.VLX) into AutoCAD? See the Tip 7245.

Many other files also on Arkance Systems Helpdesk, CAD blocks in the Block catalog.